There’s been some buzz lately about authenticated encryption. The buzz comes from some interesting issues in OpenGPG, and more recently the folks at Microsoft put out an advisory stating that unauthenticated encryption is simply not advisable anymore.

I thought it would be fun to write about cryptography, despite rarely doing it, even though I find it part of what defines me as an engineer and developer.

When we think of “encryption”, we usually think of an entity that has sensitive information they want to protect with a “key” of some kind.

ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, key)

Something like that. “Decryption” is usually visualized as the process in reverse. The entity has encrypted data that they want to decrypt into its plaintext form because they know the key.

The truth is, well designed systems that rely on cryptography aren’t this simple for a variety of reasons. Further on top of that, software developers struggle to encrypt and decrypt information correctly because many frameworks or libraries that developers depend on offer primitives.

A primitive is a cryptographic function that does very little, but it does its job and it does its job well. That doesn’t mean though that the primitive is enough to fully complete the task. “AES” is a widely known primitive encryption function.

Its most common mode of operation is Cipher Block Chaining, or CBC, which is not authenticated. To put another way, it is malleable. Let’s demonstrate with some ruby code.

require 'openssl'

encrypt_me = "what a fine day for coding" # Data to encrypt
aes_key = (1..16).to_a.pack("C*") # Dummy bad key
aes_iv = (17..32).to_a.pack("C*") # Dummy bad initialization vector
cipher =, :CBC)
cipher.encrypt # Put it in "encrypt" mode, doesn't actually encrypt
cipher.key = aes_key
cipher.iv = aes_iv
ciphertext = cipher.update(encrypt_me) +
puts ciphertext.bytes.inspect

Which produces

[15, 90, 144, 183, 105, 160, 17, 219, 160, 166, 20, 201, 53, 30, 2, 29,
217, 115, 3, 249, 2, 170, 203, 32, 37, 234, 147, 188, 167, 254, 254, 192]

There are some bad things in the code example above - it uses a hard-coded, easy to guess key and initialization vector. If you borrow this code, please be wary that it is to demonstrate.

Decryption is a similar process.

aes_key = (1..16).to_a.pack("C*") # Dummy bad key
aes_iv = (17..32).to_a.pack("C*") # Dummy bad initialization vector
cipher =, :CBC)
cipher.decrypt # Put it in "decrypt" mode, doesn't actually decrypt
cipher.key = aes_key
cipher.iv = aes_iv
plaintext = cipher.update(ciphertext) +
puts plaintext

Which produces the original string, “what a fine day for coding”.

What if we just… changed the first byte of the cipher text though?

ciphertext[0] = "\1"
# same decryption code as above

That decrypts to “,=m1aH-q8hor coding”. The decryption process didn’t fail in any clear way, it just produced some garbage. We’ve broken the entire “block” of data that we changed a byte in, plus the Nth byte of the next block which was changed. Since we changed the first (0th) byte, the first byte in the second block is “h”, not “f”.

If we slice the data:

plaintext[0..15]  # produces ,=m1aH-q8
plaintext[16..-1] # produces hor coding

If we change the second value of the cipher text:

ciphertext[1] = "\1"

# Decrypt...
plaintext[0..15]  # produces non-ASCII characters
plaintext[16..-1] # produces f4r coding

We see that the “f” is correct for the first byte, but wrong for the second byte.

This is malleable encryption. It allows an attacker to change bits or whole bytes. However the decryption process doesn’t “know” that it is producing invalid data. It’s obvious when you are processing something like text, but it can be less obvious if the data being encrypted is binary data, like a JPEG image.

More interestingly, let’s try changing the last byte of the cipher text:

ciphertext[-1] = "\1"

# Decrypt...

Boom! We get an error, in 'final': bad decrypt (OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError). Why is that? What we just changed was a padding byte. You might have noticed that when we encrypted our string, the resulting cipher text was bigger than then plain text.

That’s because AES-CBC is a block cipher. It has to operate on chunks of data that are 16 bytes in size. Many implementations will pad the data for you. So when we encrypted “what a fine day for coding”, what actually got encrypted was “what a fine day for coding\6\6\6\6\6\6”.

Where did those \6 bytes come from? That how many bytes it took to reach a multiple of 16. During decryption, it looks at the last byte to determine how much padding to remove.

We can demonstrate this by telling the AES cipher during decryption that there is no padding.

cipher.padding = 0
# Continue decryption...

puts plaintext.bytes.inspect

Which produces:

[119, 104, 97, 116, 32, 97, 32, 102, 105, 110, 101, 32, 100, 97, 121,
32, 102, 111, 114, 32, 99, 111, 100, 105, 110, 103, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]

So we can see the padding is left there. Six bytes of padding.

Most implementations of AES will automatically apply and remove padding for you.

A poor implementation of AES padding removal will look at the last byte and blindly remove that many bytes:

# Bad padding removal
last_octet = plaintext[-1].ord
unpadded = plaintext[0...-last_octet]

A better implementation of AES padding removal will check that all of the padding bytes are equal to the amount of padding removed.

# Better
last_octet = plaintext[-1].ord
padding = plaintext[-last_octet..-1]
is_padding_valid = padding.bytes.all? { |b| b == last_octet }

# Handle "false" for is_padding_valid
unpadded = plaintext[0...-last_octet]

An even better implementation of AES padding removal would validate the padding in constant time, which is out of my hands with ruby.

It turns out that “false” case for is_padding_valid has caused a lot of problems with AES-CBC, resulting in a padding oracle.

For fun, let’s change the last byte of the first block, and look at the decrypted result and leave the padding on. Remember as we saw previously, changing the Nth byte of the previous block affects the Nth byte of the current block. That’s true for padding as well, it get encrypted like any other data.

ciphertext[15] = "\1"
cipher.padding = 0


We get:

[... 110, 103, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 26]

Clearly this padding is invalid, because the padding bytes are not all equal to 26. In our home-grown padding removal, is_padding_valid would be false and an error would be returned.

There is one other value that is valid padding, which is 1. If we can change the last byte of the first block so that the last padding byte is one, the padding will appear valid and no error is raised. Let’s use our bad padding removal code and throw an exception if the padding is bad.

def decrypt(data)
    aes_key = (1..16).to_a.pack("C*") # Dummy bad key
    aes_iv = (17..32).to_a.pack("C*") # Dummy bad initialization vector
    cipher =, :CBC)
    cipher.padding = 0
    cipher.decrypt # Put it in "decrypt" mode, doesn't actually decrypt
    cipher.key = aes_key
    cipher.iv = aes_iv
    plaintext = cipher.update(data)
    last_octet = plaintext[-1].ord
    padding = plaintext[-last_octet..-1]
    is_padding_valid = padding.bytes.all? { |b| b == last_octet }
    raise "BAD PADDING" unless is_padding_valid
    return plaintext[0...-last_octet]

Our test string is made up of two blocks. We happen to know the padding length is 6, but let’s pretend we don’t. Here is the cipher text. Let’s try and break the last block.

Block 1: [15, 90, 144, 183, 105, 160, 17, 219, 160, 166, 20, 201, 53, 30, 2, 29]
Block 2: [217, 115, 3, 249, 2, 170, 203, 32, 37, 234, 147, 188, 167, 254, 254, 192]

Let’s assume we have a server that we can submit a cipher text to and we have some encrypted data we want to decrypt. The server can accept encrypted data, but it never actually reveals what the plaintext is. The server will either give a padding error back, or say “OK, I was able to decrypt and process the data”.

Remember earlier we said:

We’ve broken the entire “block” of data that we changed a byte in, plus the Nth byte of the next block which was changed.

It goes to reason then, that if we change the last value of the first block, it will affect the last byte of the second block. We are assuming that this encrypted data has padding, but we don’t know how much. Perhaps we can fiddle with the last byte of the penultimate block.

Fortunately, our decryption process makes a nice big fat error when the padding is wrong. The byte of the padding has one or two possible values. The value it is supposed to be (remember, it’s six because we are cheating for now) and one. If it’s one, the padding remover will just remove the last byte. If we just try all combinations for the last byte of the first block, perhaps we can figure out what value makes a padding value of one.

                                                                   Change this
Block 1: [15, 90, 144, 183, 105, 160, 17, 219, 160, 166, 20, 201, 53, 30, 2, 29]
Block 2: [217, 115, 3, 249, 2, 170, 203, 32, 37, 234, 147, 188, 167, 254, 254, 192]
                                                                  To affect this

Let’s loop over it.

(0..255).each do |b|
    # Set last byte of first block
    ciphertext[15] = b.chr
        puts b
        # The decryption process an error. Skip it and move on.

We get two values back. We get 29 and 26. We already know that the value 29 is valid because that’s the actual value from the ciphertext. So 26 forces the padding to one.

Let’s cheat for a moment and verify our findings so that we are comfortable. Given:

ciphertext[15] = 26.chr

and if we peek inside the decrypted result with the padding left on, we get:

[95, 9, 61, 149, 138, 173, 150, 56, 255, 200, 46, 73, 45, 145, 185,
77, 102, 111, 114, 32, 99, 111, 100, 105, 110, 103, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1]

The first block is garbage, but crucially we see that we indeed coerce the padding byte to 1.

OK, no more pretending. We know that if we tweak the cipher text’s 15th byte to 26, we end up with a padding of one. What can we learn from that? Let’s take the original ciphertext value, 29, and xor it with our guessed value 26, and then with 1 which is the plaintext value we know it happens to be because the padding was removed successfully.

29 ^ 26 ^ 1 => 6

We were able to figure out the plaintext last byte of the second block. This isn’t “sensitive”, yet, this is the only a padding value. However, we did successfully decrypt a byte without explicit knowledge of the key or the decryption process telling it was 6.

Let’s see if we can figure out how to get the padding to (2, 2).

We can control the last byte of the plaintext now. We can force it to 2 using

ciphertext_value xor known_plaintext_value xor 2
original_ct = ciphertext.dup
ciphertext[15] = (original_ct[15].ord ^ 6 ^ 2).chr
(0..255).each do |b|
    ciphertext[14] = b.chr
        puts b

The result we get back is 6 for this one. If we follow the same formula of

ciphertext_byte xor guess xor result

We get 2 ^ 6 ^ 2, which is 6. So we we have decrypted another byte. Let’s use that to force our padding to three.

ciphertext[15] = (original_ct[15].ord ^ 6 ^ 3).chr
ciphertext[14] = (original_ct[14].ord ^ 6 ^ 3).chr
(0..255).each do |b|
    ciphertext[13] = b.chr
        puts b

The result is 27. 30 ^ 27 ^ 3 is yet again, 6. Which is what we expect since we expect 6 padding bytes with a value of 6.

For the sake of brevity, let’s skip ahead a bit. Let’s see what happens if we trick it in to thinking there are 7 padding bytes.

ciphertext[15] = (original_ct[15].ord ^ 6 ^ 7).chr
ciphertext[14] = (original_ct[14].ord ^ 6 ^ 7).chr
ciphertext[13] = (original_ct[13].ord ^ 6 ^ 7).chr
ciphertext[12] = (original_ct[12].ord ^ 6 ^ 7).chr
ciphertext[11] = (original_ct[11].ord ^ 6 ^ 7).chr
ciphertext[10] = (original_ct[10].ord ^ 6 ^ 7).chr
(0..255).each do |b|
    ciphertext[9] = b.chr
        puts b

The result is 198. 166 ^ 198 ^ 7 is 103. 103 on the ASCII table is “g”. Our plaintext string ends in a “g”. Let’s keep advancing.

ciphertext[10] = (original_ct[10].ord ^ 6 ^ 8).chr
ciphertext[9] = (original_ct[9].ord ^ 103 ^ 8).chr
# etc...

We get 198, and 160 ^ 198 ^ 8 is “n”. If we repeat this pattern, we can fully decrypt the block. Let’s automate this a bit now.

decrypt_data = ciphertext.dup
recovered = {}
(1..16).each do |i|
    position = 16-i
    (0..255).each do |guess|
        decrypt_data[position] = guess.chr
            next # Bad padding.
        recovered[position] = ciphertext[position].ord ^ guess ^ i
        (1..i).each do |j|
            z = 16 - j
            decrypt_data[z] = (ciphertext[z].ord ^ recovered[z] ^ (i+1)).chr
pp { |k, v| v }.pack("c*")

The final output is:

for coding\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06

The everything put together example of attacking padding is available on GitHub. You can run that in most online ruby REPLs, like

The crucial thing about this is that the “decrypt” process never returns the decrypted data, it either raises an exception or returns “Data processed”. Yet we were still able to determine the contents.

A common example of this is encrypted data over insecure transports and home-grown transport protocols. Such an example might be two servers that need to communicate with each other securely. The owners of the servers are able to pre-share an AES key for data transmission, say with a configuration file of sorts, so they assume they don’t need to use HTTPS because they can use AES-CBC to communicate data with their preshared keys. If that encrypted data is intercepted, and the intercepter is able to re-submit that data to one of the servers with padding changed, they are now able to decrypt this data.

Aside: You really should just use TLS with a modern configuration of protocol and cipher suites.

The solution for this is to authenticate our cipher text, which is to say, make it tamper-proof. This is easier said than done.

Let’s clean up symmetric encryption a bit to make it less of an example.

def process_data(iv, data)
    cipher =, :CBC)
    cipher.padding = 0
    cipher.key = @aes_key
    cipher.iv = iv
    plaintext = cipher.update(data)
    last_octet = plaintext[-1].ord
    raise PaddingError if plaintext.length - last_octet < 0
    padding = plaintext[-last_octet..-1]
    is_padding_valid = padding.bytes.inject(0) { |a, b|
        a | (b ^ last_octet)
    raise PaddingError unless is_padding_valid

    # Process data
    return true

There. We have a function that takes an independent initialization vector and the data, and does a little bit more error handling. It still has flaws mind you, regarding padding removal. There are also some short comings of our attack, such has handling the case where the amount of padding on the ciphertext really is one or decrypting multiple blocks. Both of those are currently left as an exercise.

The usual means of authenticating AES-CBC is with an HMAC using Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) to ensure the integrity of the ciphertext. Let’s cleanup our code a bit and reduce the amount of assumptions we make. No more hard coded keys and IVs. We’ll go with in-memory values, for now.

The final cleaned up version of this is also available on GitHub. For brevity, here are the function definitions:

def encrypt_data(plaintext); # return is [ciphertext, random_iv]
def process_data(iv, data); #return is "true", or an exception is raised

HMAC is a symmetric signature, or a “keyed hash”. If we sign the contents of the cipher text, then validate the HMAC before attempting to decrypt the data, then we have reasonable assurance that the cipher text has not been changed.

Let’s update the encrypt_data function to include a MAC.

HASH_ALGORITHM = 'sha256'.freeze

def encrypt_data(plaintext)
    new_iv = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(16)
    cipher =, :CBC)
    cipher.key = @aes_key
    cipher.iv = new_iv
    ciphertext = cipher.update(plaintext) +
    digest =
    mac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, @hmac_key, ciphertext)
    [mac.freeze, ciphertext.freeze, new_iv.freeze]

Our encrypt function now returns the MAC as well. Many uses of EtM simply prepend the MAC to the front of the cipher text. The MAC’s size will be consistent with the underlying algorithm. For example, HMAC-SHA256 will always produce a 256-bit length digest, or 32-bytes. When it comes time to decrypt the data, the HMAC is split off from the cipher text since the length is known.

The process_data can be updated like this:

HASH_ALGORITHM = 'sha256'.freeze

def process_data(iv, mac, data)
    raise MacError if mac.length != 32
    digest =
    recomputed_mac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, @hmac_key, data)
    is_mac_valid = 0
    (0...32).each do |index|
        is_mac_valid |= recomputed_mac[index].ord ^ mac[index].ord
    raise MacError if is_mac_valid != 0

    # Continue normal decryption

Our attack on the padding no longer works. When we attempt to tweak the first block, the HMAC no longer matches the supplied value. As an attacker, we can’t feasibly re-compute the HMAC without the HMAC key, and trying to guess one that works is also not doable.

We have some simple authenticated data applied to AES-CBC now, and defeated our padding oracle attack.

Authenticated encryption is a bare minimum for properly encrypting data, it isn’t “bonus” security. This attack is not new, is have been known at least since Vaudenay described it in 2002. Yet application developers continue to use unauthenticated encryption. Part of that is because people have stated that this oracle attack can be mitigated by not revealing that there was a padding error during decryption and instead being generic about the failure. This was likely incorrect advice - the correct solution is to authenticate the data which mitigates the padding oracle attack quite well.

We’re not quite done yet. In a later post, we’ll look at some of the problems with authenticating data using HMAC or using a mode of AES that is already authenticated like AES-GCM.